25 de junio de 2009


To all of you, American girls, it's sad to
imagine a world without you
American girls I'd like to
be part of the world around you
Driving a car by the seaside
Watching the world from the bright side
To all of you, American girls in the movies
No one can tell where your heart is
American girls like dollies
With shiniest smiles and plastic bodies

I wish I had an American girlfriend
I cry sometimes walking around my own place
Wondering why she cries sometimes
Talking about her own place
Somewhere around the mountains
None could dry her fountain
Till she got tired to complain
That's when I fly to the wildland, to your land

Syd Matters

13 de junio de 2009


Canción: Brillante sobre el Mic
Intérprete: Fito Páez

Este video es una recopilación de algunos de TANTOS momentos lindos que pasamos juntas :)
A pesar de que a veces hay peleas o discusiones dentro del grupo sepan que LAS AMO, AMIGAS :)
GRACIAS por estar SIEMPRE, cada una de ustedes.

Everywhere she goes

Canción: Everywhere she goes
Intérprete: Across the sky

(No está hecho por mi, pero me gustó mucho)